
As the years pass us by, it becomes apparent that our memories are among our most precious possessions. After all, what is life but a collection of our sweetest and most challenging moments?

Reminiscing on our memories is a poignant experience. It takes us back to when our goals were just dreams and shows us just how much we have accomplished. It reminds us of all the special people we have had by our side, and all the laughter, joy, and love that we have felt throughout our lives. 

At Conquest Maps, we believe that our travel memories are the ones that ultimately have the greatest impact on us and the way we live our lives. They represent the once-in-a-lifetime moments that helped us grow into the people we are today, and there is something so special about that!

The Meaning of Reflection

The first step to getting the most out of reflecting on your memories is to realize the difference between simply remembering them, and fully reminiscing on them. 

Inevitably, we find small reminders of our past memories throughout each day. But remembering is more passive, while reminiscing is a deliberate process.

When we reminisce, we create opportunities for reflection. We aren’t just reliving a particular memory – we are taking the time to recall how we felt in that particular moment, what we learned, and how the experience ultimately changed us. We are able to see how it fits into the grand scheme of our lives. 

When we look at photos, journal about our travels, or pin our maps, we can bring our memories to life again and again. 

Why Reminiscing on Travel Memories Is Important

For many of us, our travel memories end up being some of the most significant moments of our lives. Seeing new places, trying new experiences, and meeting new people along the way are things we never forget. 

No matter how near or far we go on our journeys, travel changes us. The new perspectives we gain as we explore different ways of living, cultures, and languages impact nearly every other aspect of our lives.

By reminiscing on our travel memories, we gain a new appreciation for the person we used to be, and for the person that we grew into. It puts into perspective why we chose to travel in the first place, and it inspires us to keep going!

This inspiration is what guides us to keep planning new adventures! As we learn about ourselves through our travels, we can plan more fulfilling future trips and prioritize our goals.

Looking back on these memories is also a huge self esteem booster! Travel memories remind us of our passion, courage, and resilience that we develop while exploring. 

The goal is to one day look back at our memories and know that we experienced everything we dreamed of – an adventure across this amazing planet, and a life lived with no regrets.

How to Reminisce on Travel Memories

There’s no wrong or right way to celebrate and honor your travel memories. Reminiscing is a unique experience for each and every one of us!

Here are a few ways we have found over the years to help us reminisce on our travel memories. Let us know if you have any that didn’t make the list!


Keep a travel journal. 

Keeping a journal as we travel gives us the opportunity to reflect on our travels both while they are happening and once we return home. It’s one of the best ways that we can capture exactly how we felt while we were out exploring, and look back on it once we return home. Nothing will take you back to those special moments quite like reading about it in your own words!


Create a memory box.

Whether you display it as part of your home decor or just pull it out when you’re ready to reminisce, keep pieces of each trip in a memory box! It’s up to you if you want a different box for each trip or just one to commemorate all of your combined memories. Keep tickets, postcards, letters, currency, and any other small trinkets that remind you of your adventures!


Make a special playlist.

Don’t underestimate the connection between music and memories! Just hearing the intro of a song that you listened to while traveling can bring the nostalgia and emotions flooding back. Include songs you listened to while en route to the destination, songs you heard for the first time while you were on your trip, or songs that just remind you of your experiences. 


Pin your memories on your push pin map. 

A push pin travel map is the ideal way to visually display your memories. It is a reminder of everywhere your life’s journey has taken you so far. When you see all of your past and future destinations laid out at once, you’ll no doubt begin to feel sentimental about all that you have seen and all that is still out there waiting for you.